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New search engine optimization techniques

Do you want to learn everything  SEO? Before we go through how it works and how to maximize it, let’s go over the definition of SEO and then how it works.


What is SEO

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of optimizing , improving or taking a word or term of online material for a search engine to index and prioritize it for a search query.

It is useful in Increasing Traffic, ROI, Brand Awareness, and Building Trust. This blog post explains how SEO is very important and how you can maximize it for your brand.


Core Elements of SEO

The algorithms of the major search engines are kept secret. However, many studies have allowed SEO experts to determine which elements are among the positioning criteria. Thus, it is possible to optimize a site or web page so that it ranks higher in the positions.

The first step in SEO work is the SEO audit in order to obtain an overall picture of the situation of a site or a web page. Then, the second step will be to choose the keywords to work on. The SEO efforts made next will depend on the audit and the needs of the business. SEO is made of two-core elements  which includes Onpage SEO and Offpage SEO.

      • Onpage SEO: Building content to increase your rankings is what on-page SEO is all about. This involves tweaking the titles, text, images, and other elements on a page to make it more relevant for certain keywords.
      • Offpage SEO: Off-page SEO refers to optimization that takes place outside of your website, such as obtaining backlinks. Building relationships and providing content that others want to share are both part of this equation. Though it necessitates a significant amount of effort, it is critical to SEO performance.

Factors that determines raking

There are various factors that determines the ranking speed of your contents. Onpage and Offpage SEO play a major role in optimizing your contents. However, there are some factors that can affect the ranking of your content, it includes:

      • Page Speed
      • Mobile User Experience
      • Topical Content
      • URL Length
      • Backlinks
      • Brand Power
      • Encryption
      • Reputation

 Our Team of Experts at QunsTack is ready to walk you through the process, from Site Auditing, Keyword Research, Onpage and Technical SEO, and others. Leverage on our Digital Marketing service and join the league of happy customers by clicking here


SEO Strategies: Black Hat vs. white hat

When it comes to SEO, the practice of hunting for fast wins is known as “black hat SEO.” To rank quickly, black hat SEO practitioners employ deceptive practices such as keyword stuffing and link scraping.
This may work in the short term to increase traffic to your site, but Google will eventually penalize and blacklist your site, making it impossible for you to rank.
White Hat SEO, on the other hand, is the only method to create a long-term internet business. You will focus on your human audience if you perform SEO this way.
By following the search engine’s standards, you’ll strive to provide them with the greatest available information and make it easily accessible.



Basics Of SEO Marketing

It’s now time to learn about SEO marketing. Understanding it is one thing, but putting it into practice takes a lot of effort and time. SEO result is not a day job, it takes continuous practice and touch. This isn’t something you can implement today and expect to see benefits the next day. Daily actions are taken by SEO with the objective of long-term success in mind. It all begin with Keywords or Contents. The remaining part of this post focus on Keyword Marketing


Keyword Research

Picking the right keyword is the starting point of SEO success. Picking the right keyword will make you a lot of money and picking the wrong keyword will produce the opposite result. While choosing your keyword, have it in mind that your keyword must match the customer’s intent and have the ability to solve a particular problem



Keys to Keyword Success

      • Build Your Keyword List
      • Research your target keyword
      • Understand the keyword metrics
      • Match your keyword with the customer journey
      • Refine your keyword list


Best Keyword Research Tools

      • Google keyword planner
      • Keyword sheeter
      • Ubbersuggest
      • Href’s keyword difficulty checker
      • SEOquake keyword extension


SEO is a 24hr salesman for your brand as 93% of online experience starts with a search engine.  Maximizing the effectiveness of this technology will go a long way in increasing your brand’s exposure and reputation. If you are not on Google, you don’t exist. Writing a good SEO headline is an important part of SEO Optimization, you have to put that in mind. You can check this article to learn  how to write a good SEO headlines. Choose your battleground and start optimizing your content.  
Working Toward Optimizing Your Contents?
Contact our Digital Marketing Team on Optimizing Your Brand and find out how independent sellers, startups, and established brands have flourished sales and revenue partnering with QunsTack.
Meet the Author
Abdulah R.O
Abdulah R.O

Abdulay R.O is the founder of QunStack, an ROI-focused Digital Marketing Agency.

With nine years of experience as a digital marketer, he has expanded his skills into various sectors of the industry, including SEO and Social Media Marketing.

He has worked with many businesses, helping them expand their customer base through effective digital marketing practices.

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