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Why email marketing and how to use it to increase conversion?

Email marketing (emailing or e-mailing) is a powerful communication tool for brands to connect with customers. When used effectively, it can yield excellent results, particularly in terms of conversion.

This is the perfect opportunity to provide the user with quality and valuable content. The email marketing campaign is one of the most profitable marketing tools on the market. Why ? Because it generates an average return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every dollar spent, according to the report on the evolution of marketing in 2021 published by Hubspot. Thus, by creating impactful emailing campaigns, you can both retain your current customers and convert more prospects. It has indeed been shown that customers are no longer inclined to transmit their personal data, such as their email address, as easily as they did before.

The implementation of effective email marketing campaigns offers you an unfailing means of maintaining the precious link which unites you with your customers.

To maximize the productiveness of email marketing, your contents must contain qualitative, relevant, and useful information for your recipients. In addition to this parameter, email marketing aims to encourage your prospects and customers to take action: whether it is to conclude a purchase on your website or to contact you to use your services. To build an effective email marketing campaign, you can leverage our Digital Marketing Team to get started.

What is an email marketing campaign?

Let’s simplify it. Email marketing, for a company, is sending emails to contacts registered in its database with the aim of selling them a product or service. Who are these contacts? These are people who have previously sent the company their e-mail addresses and given their consent to receive information from it.

The benefits of email marketing help achieve distinct goals:

      • Inform your customers and prospects;
      • Boost your sales
      • Increase the visibility of your brand or even
      • Create a community

When it comes to email marketing, you should, at all costs, avoid using a one-size-fits-all approach. To optimize its effectiveness, email marketing must revolve mainly around personalization and segmentation. Marketing experts have in fact observed that the turnover of companies increases significantly when setting up segmented campaigns (up to 760% increase).

Which email marketing campaigns work best?

There are two main types of emails that you can send to your customers and prospects:

      • Promotional marketing emails 
      • Informative marketing emails

Depending on the customer’s journey that you have defined for your business, you will decide to send one or the other type of email, and will try to influence your recipient in a very specific way.

Promotional emails

Promotional emails are the most common form of marketing emails. Its purpose is to promote a special offer or a new product or service.
Setting up this type of emailing campaign involves programming and sending 3 to 10 emails over a period of several days or weeks.

To achieve its objective, your promotional email must include a “call to action” (“call to action” (CTA)”) that is both clear and concise. The call to action should invite the reader to perform a specific action, most often it will be an incentive to make a purchase or visit a specific web page.

Informative emails

Marketing campaigns aimed at delivering a newsletter are, in essence, informative. This type of email generally informs its recipients of company news. The newsletter can thus highlight certain changes that have appeared in the company’s sector or even come back to its latest successes or current projects.

Depending on the target audience, you will plan the provisional editorial calendar of your newsletters differently. Depending on your objectives, the marketing strategy you decide to adopt as well as your content creation skills, your newsletters will be sent weekly, every other week or even once a month… Always keep in mind that the initial objective of sending informative emails consists of creating a constant link with your recipients. 

Among the informative emails, there are also announcement emails through which you can communicate about various company events or inform your customers about the evolution of your services or products, etc.

What are the benefits of email campaigns?

There are 3.9 billion active email users. There is no doubt that this marketing channel has a high audiences and can help to reach customers better. Let’s detail together its many advantages:

      • Email marketing converts prospects into customers . One of the most common ways to convert is to send promotional marketing emails that contain a special offer or a particular discount. Email marketing aimed at chasing after customers who have abandoned their shopping cart is also very popular and effective. Indeed, this process can, for example, encourage your customers to finalize their purchases on your e-commerce site.
      • Emailing campaigns also allow you to increase the notoriety of your brand through a personalized customer experience. By sending e-mails to your customers and prospects, you reinforce your brand image with them. In particular, you can, thanks to email marketing, send personalized emails to a large number of recipients.
      • At every stage of the buyer’s journey, from nurturing your leads to converting them, email marketing allows you to build retention with your pre-existing customers , which is definitely an added benefit.
      • Finally, email marketing can be used to build a community around your brand. Sending newsletters, for example, allows you to entertain your recipients while sending them a message.

How to build your mailing list?

Are you determined to start your campaign on an email marketing platform but don’t know where to start? Send emails, of course, but still need to know to whom? The QunsTack Digital Marketing Team is available to walk you through the process

How to automate your emailing campaigns?

Email automation refers to automatically sending emails to customers or prospects. Thanks to automatic responder, you can not only schedule the sending of emails at predefined dates and times, but also react to certain actions carried out by your customers.

The welcome email is certainly the most common automated email. It consists of sending an automatic welcome email to anyone subscribing to your newsletter for the first time.
To carry out effective automated emailing campaigns, it is necessary to privilege personalization and segmentation. Autoresponders allow you to sort your recipients into different lists according to their behaviors and interests. It is notably thanks to this process that you will be able to send mass personalized emails without having to write a personalized email to each of your recipients.


How to grow your business with email marketing campaigns?
As we have demonstrated throughout this article, the advantages of email marketing campaigns are numerous and can bring a lot to your business: retaining your customers, stimulating your sales, etc. You need a good Email Marketing Service Provider and an effective strategies to ensure your email deliver to the right folder.

Working Toward Starting Your Email Campaign?

Contact our Digital Marketing Team on Getting You Started and find out how independent sellers, startups, and established brands have flourished sales and revenue partnering with QunsTack.
Meet the Author
Abdulah R.O
Abdulah R.O

Abdulay R.O is the founder of QunStack, an ROI-focused Digital Marketing Agency.

With nine years of experience as a digital marketer, he has expanded his skills into various sectors of the industry, including SEO and Social Media Marketing.

He has worked with many businesses, helping them expand their customer base through effective digital marketing practices.

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