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How to build a successful brand

Your concept has progressed beyond the project stage, but you’re unsure which methodology to use to develop your brand successfully? Follow these few points to help you determine your beliefs, come up with a name, and define your company’s identity to create your brand. This procedure must be followed with discipline and methodology. Our branding team offers all of its expertise and creativity at your disposal to assist you in developing your brand.


01 – Identify your brand values

Your values are unwavering truths and guiding principles that express who you are and and the primary driving force behind your brand, business, behaviors, and decisions. Have an objective by looking at the advantages of your offer compared to that of your competitors: quality of the product or service, ease of access to the offer, interest in prices, variety of the range, originality, speed of production or delivery, proximity to the consumer, capacity for innovation, etc. Identify the main added values ​​that will constitute the essential qualities of your brand.


02 – Find an attractive name for your brand

The name of your brand must be thought through with discernment and consistency while respecting the values and positioning of your company. The choice of this name is important but it is not enough on its own to ensure the success of your project. The notoriety of your brand can only be affirmed if other success factors are confirmed, such as a perceived quality image and the good reputation of your brand.
An original, short and easily remembered name is an asset for a brand. Consider the personality of your sign and the tone of your message. The aesthetics of your name must be in its meaning, its sound and also in its visual representation. Follow these tips in your name search for your brand:
      • Look for a brand name that isn’t too specific to your current product and can be adapted if you expand your line.
      • Project yourself into the future and avoid anchoring your brand name in a fashion trend that can quickly become outdated.
      • Special characters are trending, such as dashes, quotes, or the at sign. They bring an original side to your brand name but can go out of fashion quite quickly. To be reserved for brands that are not afraid to see their name change according to the evolution of their image… and trends.
      • Think of English for its modern, elegant and easily understood side.
      • Think of proven techniques for finding a brand name, such as a pun, an acronym, a phonetic word or the synonym of a word close to your product or service.

03 – Determine your brand positioning

It is essential to study your market in order to know your target audience, to compare your product or service with that of your competitors and to position your brand in your market. This positioning will allow you to find the right message and develop communication adapted to your core target. If you want to carry out this process yourself, you can rely on QunsTack Branding Team for your research in order to analyze how your offer is positioned and identify your main competitors, direct or indirect.


04 – Invent a catchy slogan for your brand

If your slogan can, by chance, quickly impose itself on your mind when defining your communication message, this approach most often represents a real headache when creating the brand. To have an impact on the consumer, a slogan must be short, punchy, catchy and original.

It’s best to have your brand name figured out before you set out to create your tagline, as that name can be the starting point for your wording. Several techniques can help you in your search for a slogan for your brand:

      • Rely on the quality of your product: Actimel strengthens your natural defences.
      • Describe your product prominently: 1664 – Four digits. A beer.
      • Write an original description of your offer: Airwaves – Chew. Breathe.
      • Adopt rhymes in your slogan: Entremont is otherwise good.
      • Use a metaphor: Awaken the lion within you.

05 – Create a perfect logo for your brand

The logo is an essential part of your brand’s visual identity. It is the one that your target audience will retain as a priority and that will appear on all your print or web communication media. It must be unique and easily recognizable and know how to adapt to all dimensions. It is important to think about all the possible uses of your logo when designing it in order to plan the most suitable formats and visuals depending on the medium.

Your logo must stand out from that of your competitors both by its originality and its aesthetics, but above all it must express the values ​​of your brand. The use of a graphic design professional is an asset for optimal quality and effectiveness of your logo. 


06 – Create your website adapted to your brand

Having a website and online presence allows you to market your business online. A website is an important part of brand building because it helps to establish credibility as a business. A website not only gives credibility but also helps to give a positive impression that your company is bigger and more successful.


07 – Create your website adapted to your brand

Having a website and online presence allows you to market your business online. A website is an important part of brand building because it helps to establish credibility as a business. A website not only gives credibility but also helps to give a positive impression that your company is bigger and more successful.  If you want to build a stunning website for your brand, , you can rely on QunsTack Development Team


08 – Protect your brand

Intellectual property is binding on all trademark holders and they must take care to protect their trademark at the time of its creation and throughout the stages of its development. The trademark must be registered with the Trademark Registration Authority in your region as soon as you have made your choice on a definitive name. You will first need to do a prior art search to check if your brand name is available. This approach protects you from the risk of trademark usurpation, protects your product or service from counterfeiting and guarantees you a monopoly of exploitation for 10 years, renewable without limit.



Building a brand requires proper planning irrespective of the industry you are in. Analyzing your Top Competitors, Target Market etc will go a long way in giving you a clue on building a successful brand.

Working Toward Building Your Brand?

Contact our Brand Building Team on Getting You Started and find out how independent sellers, startups, and established brands have flourished sales and revenue partnering with QunsTack.
Meet the Author
Abdulah R.O
Abdulah R.O

Abdulay R.O is the founder of QunStack, an ROI-focused Digital Marketing Agency.

With nine years of experience as a digital marketer, he has expanded his skills into various sectors of the industry, including SEO and Social Media Marketing.

He has worked with many businesses, helping them expand their customer base through effective digital marketing practices.

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